About Project
The Government of Bangladesh (Gob) with support from the World Bank (WB) is implementing an investment project titled, the “Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (BWCSRP). The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the GoB to deliver effective weather, water and climate information services to sector agencies and communities. This objective will be achieved by strengthening the capacity of government agencies for improved meteorological and hydrological monitoring, forecasting, early warning system, and strengthening the capability of communities to use available products and information. The project has three main implementing agencies including the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD), the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) and the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE.)
BWDB (Hydrology) is seeking the services of a Water Resources System Integrator (WRSI) Consultancy form to provide technical assistance to carry out BWCSRP activities.
The Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project is currently under implementation. It has three main components as follows.
Component A: Strengthening Meteorological Information Services: Activities under Component A will support upgrading the surface, upper air and marine meteorology observation network, weather forecasting, and service delivery to priority sectors and support regional collaboration related to weather and climate services. This component is being implemented by the BMD.
Component B: Strengthening Water Resources Information Services: Activities supported through Component B will support upgrading the hydrological, hydrogeological and river morphology observation network, flood, drought, groundwater and hydrological forecasting and dissemination of related hydrological information services. This Component is being implemented by the BWDB.
Component C: Agro-Meteorological Information System Development: This component is supporting development of an agricultural decision support system, development and dissemination of agro-meteorological information products and advisories to farmers in Bangladesh. This Component is being implemented by the DAE in collaboration with the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI).
Under Component B: Strengthening Water Resources Information Services consultancy the Consultant will prepare Terms of Reference (TOR) for Development of hydrological services products such as sediment prediction & river bank erosion , hyd. drought prediction, salinity intrusion forecast, ground water outlook and forecast, surface water supply outlook etc. and upgrade of existing website to display real time data, products & warnings.